An awesome launch title! Wii sports is just a fun game to play, that you will keep on playing, until your library grows.
User Rating: 7.1 | Wii Sports WII
Wii sports is an awesome game for everyone. Even if a person did not touch a game console before, they will love the wii and Wii sports. I bought the wii with zelda, but i played wii sports first, and i played it for some time. It is a great game that u will play for 1 to 2 hours. This game is very easy but still very fun. Now the graphics suck, like really bad, but its cool that u can create a mii(cartoon chracter of someone) and put it into wii sports. Wii sports is also a great game to lose weight, especially boxing, if u play wii sports and all the 5 games(tennis,baseball,bowling,golf and boxing) for 1 hour u will surely lose around 150 to 300 calories, depends on how u play the games. My dad was going for a walk to burn some fat, then i told him there is no need. He actually lost 5 to 10 pounds! Wii sports is a awesome family and friends game, for all ages. The gameplay is good, it actually feels like your holding a baseball bat or a bowling ball, and u have to hold the bats/balls as u would in the real game, and move like in the real game too!!! so the gameplay is actually the gameplay is great! The sound is ok not bad, but not good either, i mean its fun to hear the crowd cheer for u when u make a home run or get a strike. But the wii remote does alot of the sounds, with its speaker, but the sound gets realy wierd and all cracked up sometimes. You can see, if u swing the bat repetitively, you will hear the sound from the wii remote, but after a little while it will crack up and sound really weird, it kinda sounds like u just dipped the wii-mote in water, but that doesn't always happen. Well thats all about wii sports, it may not be the best game, but it is a great party and family game for all ages, and it is a great launch tite!