Initiates a revolution in gaming, creating a desire to exercise and be active as opposed to vegging in a sofa for hours.

User Rating: 9.1 | Wii Sports WII
Graphically, Wii Sports doesn't create any new ground, but as they say, "the play is the thing" and Nintendo believes that more than any other company. Finally a game is here where you don't watch endless "movielike" cut scenes, wondering when it's going to be time to press a button and start playing. Most new games are more like movies than games, and that's not very fun if you like to challenge yourself.

The team that designed Wii Sports was very smart, indeed. By creating a game that gets people off their butts, you create adreneline, build up a sweat, and get your heart pumping - something that's been absent in the past but is fulfilling a growing need in everyone to want to be fit, eliminate stress (good endorphines). Playing other games doesn't do anything except create a sense of depression and frustration (bad endorphines). So you end up with a great sense of accomplishment even if you lose the match in a game of tennis, because you're burning calories and building up your cardio vascular system.

Very smart, Nintendo.