For a Free Game, Wii Sports is a Great Party Game

User Rating: 8.1 | Wii Sports WII
Wii Sports will most likely be the first game that you put into your Wii console. Mostly because of the fact that everyone will get this game free of charge. When looking at reviews and gameplay footage, you will probably think you'll play it for a little while, then put in Zelda or something and play that the rest of the time. This couldnt be further from the truth. Wii Sports is a great game for the whole family to play and it is the first game that i have ever gotten my mom to play. And after a minute or two of learning the controls, my mom was getting strikes and spars in bowling left and right. Wii Sports games are very fun but are even better when played with friends. While tennis is kick ass with a group of four, it seems a bit off playing by yourself, mostly because you control both characters at the same time. Golf is also a bit strange at first, with how to determine how hard to swing, but once you get it you will be fine. All in all, Wii Sports is a great game and at $0.00, its a great game that will keep you coming back for more.