Wii Sports is a game that will test the Wii powers!

User Rating: 7 | Wii Sports WII
This game is great, even though that i only have one controller, it's possible to use it for multi player. The swinging and actions are similair to ours and the wiimote. Faster you swing the bowling, the faster it rolls. Faster you swing the remote, the harder the bat hits. Faster you serve, faster the ball flies. Swinging the racket to make shots varies on how you swing. The faster you swing the golf club, the harder it flies. The slower, the shorter!
This game introduces new mechanics to new and old and a msut get!

Grahpics- standard and nothing to special, but the reflection on the bowling lane is so beautiful and well made.

Sound- it is great and well heard, the cheerful music when you win to the sound from your wiimote.

Gameplay- Its fun, its revoloutionay and easy. You will be actually playing sports in your house after all.

Value- It comes with the game! not only that but it will quite be a rememberal experiance.

Tilt- This game is good, but of course not perfect, it is worth your time to play and enjoy a while iwth your friends.