“Perfect pack-in game.”

User Rating: 8.1 | Wii Sports WII
Wii Sports has a smart selection of games to choose from. There is a game for practically every demographic and something just about anybody would love to try.

The fact that you get to play as your Mii avatar is great. Beating the face of your opponents Mii avatar in boxing is lots of fun. Raising the controllers puts up your guard; lowering the controllers puts down your guard. Simple. In tennis you simply swing the racket. In baseball you swing the Wii-mote like a bat and make a throwing motion to pitch. In bowling you just make a bowling motion. Go figure. In golf, you guessed it, make a golf swing motion. It’s just plain simple. Just what Nintendo wanted to do with this launch. Get everybody and anybody playing. In addition to being simple it’s lots of fun. My wife has never played video games but she has played Wii Sports and loves it. She’s pretty much addicted. As far as she is concerned Nintendo has succeeded in reaching new gamers.

Not a marathon type game where you play all night but a great game to play to kill time and have fun. It works on a points type system that will keep you coming back to be the ultimate player. The setup allows you to change the controls for left-handed (me) and right-handed play for each game.

It was a great choice for a pack in game.