Strike 1! Strike 2! Strike 3, your out! Oops ball landed in the water hazzard. Uppercut!

User Rating: 9.3 | Wii Sports WII
Put some boxing gloves on, call your caddy, and hit a HOME RUN! Probably one of the funnest and most easy "pick up and play "game ever. One game stands out and everyone who has a Wii has it, literally. Wii Sports might just be one of the funnest experiances you'll ever have. I know I had fun.In the game there is Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, And my personal favorite Boxing. Instead of uing buttons you actually, for instance, while Bowling you actually sing the Wii-mote. I know I'll be playing this game for a long time to come.The only flaw is one of the five is't as fun as the others. Tennis. If you like tennis you'll prehaps like Wii Tennis, but I found It a little challeging and a little boring for my taste. But if you want a Wii you'll be bound to play this for a long time and will love it.