This game is a simple way to have fun.
User Rating: 8 | Wii Sports WII
As I said in the review deck this game is a simple way to have a lot of fun, especially with friends and family. This game is all about fast and easy game play, which is both a blessing and a curse. It also makes for a great party game, or way to get the rest of your family to play if they weren't already interested in video games. The controls are very responsive, especially when compared to the likes of Red Steel. The other great thing about this game is that if you play long enough, it can actually get you to work up a sweat. I've noticed this to be especially true with boxing. There are a few problems I have with this game. There is no real incentive to keep playing other than getting your ranking higher. Also, there is no online, this game would have been the perfect introduction for online, I could see many people playing this for ours against people from across the country. Lastly, and probably the most obvious is the graphics. the graphics are terrible, but it comes for free with the Wii so you really can't expect all that much I guess. I'd say go out and buy this but if you own a Wii you already have this game.