Your first Wii game is also one of the best.

User Rating: 8.1 | Wii Sports WII
Story: There is none, so I will make one up, you are transformed into a wooden Mii figurine and forced to play Tennis, Bowling, Baseball, Golf and Boxing for the world of Mii's and become a Pro Mii Athlete.

Gameplay: There are 5 very fun games inside of this little Pack In game. You can play against your friends or the AI in the game, you can play training games, and there is a "Wii-Fitness" test so you can see how good you currently are.

Controls: You are able to replicate the experience of the 5 Sports in this game quite well, but I do have a few gripes. In Golf the Remote is too responsive, in Baseball you cant time it very well, in Tennis you cant make it go the way you want sometimes, in Boxing you need to hold the remotes out for a second to make it respond, and in Bowling it is hard to hook the ball the way you want. Mabye that's just me, but the controls work well. And you do not need to make exagerated movements, you can make simple movements for everything on there except boxing. The controls do demonstrate the capabilities of the Wii quite well.

Graphics: I am not the first one to say this, but Wii Sports is not a graphical showcase, that being said the people look like wooden toys. But the enviroments can look gorgeous. The Golf courses are the best looking and they do have grass that could be real. But Wii Sports is techicnaly not a powerhouse, but in artistic direction the game does look good.

Sound: There is simple music, and sounds of the sports and the crowds, not much to go on.

Multiplayer: You can play all of the games with friends, and they are damn fun.

Replayability: You may want to keep playing to get pro on everything, and the gold metals for the training games, or you may just want to play with friends, so much to do.

Overall: Wii-Sports is a fun little Party Game that should keep you and your Friends entertained untill the big Killer App's for the Wii are this year, but you should still keep playing this game anyway.