I'm a long-time RPG gamer, PC games like Neverwinter, Baldur's Gate, Icewind, Hellgate London, etc., etc. I love the thought and emotion involved in playing those games, and they will remain my favorite. So why get a Wii, and why play Wii Sports. It's all about the motion sensing controllers, which are an incredible innovation. Well, you know all that. Wii Sports is a nice free game because it is basically a tutorial to using the controllers. If you play through the games and work up to pro level, you will really understand the controllers. The great thing about Wii Sports is that my wife instantly 'got it' and she never plays games. Her 80-year-old dad immediately started into tennis and bowling, and loved it. The Wii is a 'social gaming environment' and the corny, low-res graphic are actually a plus when you look at the game that way.
Still, I would like to see an good RPG game on the Wii, with motion controllers used for swordplay. That would be awesome.
The best thing about the Nintendo Wii is once you purchase the console you already have a game to play, free of charge. This game is Wii Sports, a game Nintendo bundles in with every console. Wii Sports is a simple sp... Read Full Review
What would you pay for a game that could improve your fitness and still manage to be a blast to play? Did you say $49.95? How about $19.95? Well this fantabulous game is free of charge with the purchase of your shiny new... Read Full Review