Wii Sports ...And Tennis for all
Wii Sports is a perfect warmup game for newcomers to Nintendo's unique Wii. In this title, players take control of their Mii profile in such Sports as Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, and Boxing. All of these games are simple--each involving either a motion of the wiimote, or of the nunchuck attatchment. In Tennis, horizontal and vertical player movement is automatic--players simply swing the wiimote at the right time to send the ball away. Baseball has the same idea--albeit with a bat or a pitch. As a matter of fact, all of the games play similarly--it is all about timed wiimote swipes. Yes--the games are all simple, yet all necessary for players to become accustomed to swinging a controller rather than, say, tapping a button, to denote an action.
The game is very simple, but still very fun. I spent hours playing this title with my siblings--Wii Tennis and Bowling were highly competative between us--and very very fun.
The game looks like a gamecube title, but there's really no need to make it look any different--it is a simple, simple party game that helps players become accustomed to using the Wii.
This is an average game--same old, same old, but a necessary one for newcoming wii players.
HeadshotJackal's Rating:
I gave this game a 5/10. Remember, this is an average rating. It is an average game with really nothing new to offer except the experience to learn how to use the wii.