The first free game for the Wii is a winner that is simple yet fun and enjoyable.

User Rating: 8.5 | Wii Sports WII
Well if you are opening up that fresh new Wii you will problably see that free game in the box and say " this game is free it can't be that good". Well, YOUR WRONG!!!!! Wii sports is an enjoyable game that is sure to be your next party game to replase Mario party untill it comes out. So here we go. The gameplay in Wii Sports is great, awsome, and many other words. The controls in each sport game are great and respond quickly and effectovly. You will all ways be amazed how in the tennis game you can do a back hand hit and in boxing the Mii hits the target how you move the ramote to hit the opponent Mii. You will always be having fun in the gameplay and you will just laugh when you mess-up but you know it is your falt. Over all the gameplay is really good. The graphics in the game are great. The Miis in the game look really good and the stadiums look really good. They allways look smooth and never have problems. The framerate is good and you will never have any problems. The graphics are good and you will be saying" the graphics are pretty good." The sound in the game is o.k. The announcer in the game is o.k but gets pretty iritaing so you will probly go mad listening to him. The crouds sound good and make you feel special. Really the sound is o.k, but is not a work of Mozart. Over-all Wii Sports is not a game that you should put down because it is free. So go get some friends and go see who is the best in....(wait for it, wait for it) WII SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!