Wi Sports offers 5 games including: Tennis, Golf, Bowling, Baseball and Boxing. It also offers the ability to play mini games known as a training mode in the game. You can play with up to 3 other people. This game is alot more fun when you play with other poeple like a group of friends. The controls are very accurate for some games but for golf and boxing the controls are not so accurate. Tiger Woods for the Wii will showcase what the Wii-Remote is really capable of. The boxing is alright when you play against a friend but can be borring alone because it is a very repetitive motion (left arm, right arm, left arm, right arm.... you get the idea). My favourite would have to be the Bowling, It is incredibly accurate and you can spin the ball with amazing accracy. Some people say that this game is only good for a couple of days and then you get borred of it, but I find it very revolutionary and simply fun because you can swing a golf club in the house without taking out a lamp or puting a hole through the wall. I give Wii Sports an 8.5/10 mainly because the graphics are Nintendo 64 style and the sound is very primitive and simple.
The best thing about the Nintendo Wii is once you purchase the console you already have a game to play, free of charge. This game is Wii Sports, a game Nintendo bundles in with every console. Wii Sports is a simple sp... Read Full Review
What would you pay for a game that could improve your fitness and still manage to be a blast to play? Did you say $49.95? How about $19.95? Well this fantabulous game is free of charge with the purchase of your shiny new... Read Full Review