The games are great for getting used to the Wii remote, Keeping fit and simply having fun.
TENNIS: It's simple to learn and play, just use the the Wii remote as a Tennis raquet and hit the ball like you would in real life. You can build up your skill level by competing against the CPU players or you can have up to 4 players in splitscreen. There's 3 game types to play, Single, Best of 3 and Best of 5.
BASEBALL: This is one of the harder Wii Sports games to get the hang of but it's pretty fun once you do. The Wii remote acts as your bat this time around and you'll hit the ball to score singles, doubles, triples and home runs.
Up to 2 people can play this and you will take turns in Pitching and batting. The same applies for 1 player taking on the computer.
GOLF: This also takes some getting used to but is great to play. You've probably guessed how you use the Wii remote in this game so I'll skip that.
There's 2 different game modes in Golf. 9 hole game and 3 hole game. In the 3 hole game you can choose the difficulty level and is the best way to start playing.
You can do single player or have up to 4 players.
Use the Wii remote as a bowling ball to knock down the 10 pins. This is easy to learn and is great for multiplayer.
There's single player or you can play with 3 others.
This is fairly easy to get in to but isn't as much fun as the other games. There are a few motion detection glitches here and there but if you can get past that then you will still enjoy it.
Boxing can be played with one or 2 players.
In the training there are 3 different practise games you can play for each sport. Some of them are pretty cool like the Tennis and Golf target practise.
It's also good to do the training when you have some time as it comes in handy for...
In the Fitness Test you will do 3 random tests taken from the Training section of Wii Sports.
The lower your fitness age the better.
The graphics are kept quite simple as far as the characters go but the environments pack quite a lot of detail. The best visuals you will see in Wii Sports are when you play Golf.
SOUND: The sound is pretty good. There's some nice lighthearted music and the sound effects are great. Some sounds also come through the Wii remote's built-in speaker. So when you hit the ball in Tennis or Baseball, etc you will hear that sound from the remote
Altogether, these 5 games as well as the Fitness test and training add up to a great game. It's one of the best multiplayer games out at the moment and it's a game that literally anyone can play. Add to the fact that it comes free with the Wii and it's even better.