Wii Sports is a cool way to kick off this weird new console. However a few of the games aren't as good as they could be.

User Rating: 8.2 | Wii Sports WII
Whatever happens if you buy a Nintendo Wii, You WILL get this games as it comes bundled with every Wii Console. Is it just a cheap playable tech demo or a great game?

In my opinion its both, All the Sports in Wii Sports are very simplfied versions of their real life counterparts but its still great fun for everyone even if the player has tried to avoid the 'XStationcube 360' nonsense you really would have to hate fun to not enjoy Wii Sports.

Tennis is simple enough just swing to hit the ball, You dont even have to move yourself - It's done automatically, This is probably the best game to play if your on your own, The computer opponents can often be challenging and difficult to beat.

Baseball is the second game in the collection, All you do is swing your bat or throw the ball depending on which side you are on. Unfortunatly I found the A.I to be a little dim and people who have just come to have a quick go may find it difficult to score if you throw them a lot of Splitters (A+B)

Bowling is also vvery enjoyable, I expect I'll never go real bowling for a long time as this feels very lifelike the only difference being you haven't got a whopping great ball in your hand, In my experience most people want to try Bowling first so this is a great game for people that don't usually play games.

Golf in all fairness is boring, I've never enjoyed it and Wii Sports Golf hasn't changed my mind but like tennis, It seems fairly accurate to real Golf, For some people they may get bored with 9 holes very quickly.

Boxing is probably my least favourite, It seems to be the one stuck in at the end because 5 games is better than 4, Whichever hand you hold the Wii Remote in will often just not respond and most of the time it just feels like floundering about like a idiot hoping you will hit the guy.

The Graphics in Wii Sports are rather basic if you compare them to 360 or PS3 titles however they look nice enough and with the cartoony feel of the Mii's it seems to work really well.

The sounds are basic and are what you would expect Tennis swings and your boxing punches come out of your remote and the announcer talking comes from your TV, Their simple enough and their is no major background music other than the main menu.

Overall Wii Sports is a great pack-in title for your shiny new Wii, However don't expect Wii Sports to keep you interested for too long unless you are hellbent on getting PRO scores on every single game, I wouldn't recommend the game if you had to pay money alone for it but as a pack-in it works great.