No one will be able to say that playing videogames is a sedentary activity anymore!

User Rating: 8.7 | Wii Sports WII
This game has really impressed me, since it was the one which came with the console I wasn't expecting much, but it revealed itself to be a very fun game.
The wiimote gameplay is highly explored in this game in several ways. It is also a very simple game, but not stupid. Making it a perfect game to come the console, because it is a great example of the Wii gameplay power and it is suitable for all family members. Everyone will have a complete Wii experience and enjoy it.
The graphics are good and you use your Mii (a Wii version of yourself) which is really fun!
The game consist on 5 Sports: tennis, baseball, golf, bowling and boxing, where you can fight NPCs to gain experience, your friends on multiplayer mode or you can play the training mode, where which sport has 3 minigames and you win medals depending on how you do on them. You can also try the Wii Fitness once a day to see your Wii Fitness age. It will randomly choose 3 of the minigames from the training mode, and after you've played them all it will give you your age, with 20 being the best one.
This game really was a great choice to come with the console, the wiimote is much more sensitive then I've imagined, making it easier and very realistic to play. The movements and its response are awesome!