The first game you will ever have for your Wii, so enjoy it.
Gameplay: This game uses the Wii remote perfectly! With the Wii remote you can play tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing. Every motion you make on with your body happens on the game. My favorite game has been bowling. You swing your arm like your bowling and then you can twist it to put spin on it. Even though this is a great game though there are still some things that they could have done a little better. Baseball is fun, I mean come on, who doesn't like hitting homeruns and shoving it in your friends face. But the fielding part is really lacking. You hit the ball, and someone it the field gets it and its over. You should at least have some control over what your fielders do. The only thing you can really do while your in the outfield is manipulate your picthes. Also, boxing is a little bit on the wierd side. And it seems sometimes you can't get it to do what you want. Other than those two sports it is an excellent game. If you ever get tired of playing the computers, and you don't have your friends with you, or if you don't have any friends, just do the training mode. It has three training courses for each sport in which you practice different techniques for the sport. Depending on how good you do you can get a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum medal. These medals don't do anything for you Mii, they just give you something to brag about to your friends. The last option you have is to test your Wii sports fitness age. In this activiy you do three training activities from the training mode, depending how good you preform you get your fitness age. 20 is the best.
Graphics: These graphics are okay, its not PS3 graphics but its a more cartoony graphic set. Yeah the characters don't have arms, but that didn't stop Rayman from being sucessful.
Sound: Sound is delivered perfectly in this game. The Wii remote has a built in speaker, so when your opponent hits a tennis ball you here it on the TV, but when you hit the tennis ball you here it on the Wii remote.
Replay Value: The replay value of this game is great. Who doesn't want to become pro in all the sports and get special rackets, bowling ball, and boxing gloves. If you have friends over, the fun will never end.
Overall this a great game to have with your Wii, it has some challenging aspects but mostly is an innoavative, new, masterpiece!