Paper Mario N64 Switch Online Trailer
Paper Mario comes to Nintendo Switch Online on December 10th.
Paper Mario comes to Nintendo Switch Online on December 10th.
A Paper Mario speedrunner who goes by the handle JCog has successfully skipped to the end of the game by executing exploits in Ocarina of Time and swapping out the ...
It's not Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario Galaxy, but another perspective-shifting platformer that's won Larson's heart.
The world's most famous plumber dusts off his overalls and gets ready to do battle in GameSpot's All-Time Greatest Game Hero competition.
Mario and Luigi get a special piece of mail in this clip.
Bowser makes his first appearance in this clip.
Watch mario take on a neighborhood bully in this clip.
Take a look at a 2D Mario in a 3D world.
It sure looks like Mario has lost a lot of weight.
Unannounced title is reportedly in testing phase; could be announced soon.
Unannounced title is reportedly in testing phase; could be announced soon.
Paper Mario holds up surprisingly well, and is one of the best role-playing game experiences you can have on the Wii right now.
Nintendo 64 role-playing classic stacked onto Wii's downloadable-game reservoir alongside Balloon Fight and Silent Debuggers.
It's a football free-for-all as Visual Concepts returns to the gridiron alongside EA's collegiate huddle, Paper Mario, Bomberman, and more.
Europe's Wii owners have two more games available to them via the Virtual Console; Paper Mario and Air Zonk.
Nintendo announces the Japanese release date for the Intelligent System's developed Super Mario RPG 2.
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