seemingly cheap budget, suprisingly decent game

User Rating: 8 | Wild Arms 3 PS2
i was pretty impresed when i picked up this game for 3.99 and bought it used having no idea what i was getting into, but i soon found out for 4 dollars every penny was wrorth the bullets i was shooting in this game, and i think this is extreamly as close as a cowboy rpg could ever get to without being boring,

Storyline 8/10 interesting will involve saving the world and its almost really no diffrent in the format of how it does it to much, however what really is the main focus is the characters, you play on a short path of each at the start learning about each one individually then eventually bringing them all togeather which is fairly interesting because out of the four characters you probaly will at least pick out 2 youd like in your party, there Virginia, the female leader of the party who generaly has a good heart and uses daul pistols, Jet, my favorite mercenary who only does things for himself and wants pay and has a awesome m14 like gun, Clive, a smart yet calm sniper who does his sniping job extremly well for a person with glasses, and Gallows, whos this sort of indian with a spread shot gun, the game builds around these 4 characters and it's generaly interesting on how they act with each other, the only problem with this is that virginia takes to much screen time with her lines, and the other 3 boys sometimes just stand there and voice in a few lines sometimes it gets really irritating because you want to hear what the others think or at least want a comment from espcily when this game is supposto focus on the bonds, reguardless the actuall storyline itself is decently well made, except with the small problem of storyline progression when sometimes the game just points the direction leaving you to find it in a bit of a guessing game but its over lookable,

Gameplay 8/10

to be honest, theres notibly enough diffrent aspects to make it diffrent from other rpgs (except within its own series) that can be counted as a bit diffrent, for example magic in this game is dependent on what guardian you equip on a char which is all earned during the storyline, each comes with 4 magic skills, 3-4 passive skills, and 1 summon of itself, along with status add, now magic in this game if based on your force (1-100 meter) which is generally earned by attacking, if the spell matchs the force you have or higher you can cast that spell over and over again, as broken as that sounds, youll be tempted to use skills that uses force like Virginia's item all effect party or Gatling on anybody to shoot there guns like crazy, the force level you start with depends on that characters as well so your not bored with every level you get as you progress through the game, what else is good in this game is the boss's, there's alot of them actually to go through all of them with nicely done in " will not die with a few bullets " you shoot into them, half of them actually require stragerty and not blindly shooting your gun forcing you to reload and waist a turn in a bad spot, despite it lose's diffculty slightly in late game its to expected since you'll more likely to learn a setup for bosses, ignoring that, the characters and enemys actually move around on the screen and not sit there (at least untill its your turn to give orders) is a nice touch of realism and less boredom of watching both sides standing there getting shot by each other and let me tell you, watching Clive snipe someone point blank never gets old, and finaly, the battle modes, theres about 3-4 diffrent ways to fight which isnt to diffrent but interesting to see, like if you get in a encounter with a horse, expect to see all 4 of your characters riding a diffrent colored horse during a combat, with all these aspects in the game it all makes solid gameplay and enough diffrently apart from typical rpgs,

Graphics 7/10 well...

there basicly terrible, this must be some sort of low budget project because its clear that the money was not put into graphics (not that its a bad thing) despite on how bad it is though, it still passes as decent just not anything serious,

Music 9/10 very suprising

im not sure when they decided to put of this great sound track in this game, it seems that this is were most of the money went into heh, most of the music in this game is pretty great and certian boss battle music's hit epic levels while the opening/credits of this game music might have you listening to it in your mind for quite a while, and town or dungeon,

Replay value 7/10 decent

it does have an extra dungeon to go through and some extra side quests involving puzzles but beyond that nothing to much other then to play the game again for itself,

Final words...if you are extremly bored and have nothing to do, 3.99 for about 50 hours of an ok game seems worth it to me, and hey, if you like guns,and if you like rpgs, put them togather in this game