I never bothered with shapes in math >_>. but it goes fine without any problems that could turn your world
We all loved the fine Turn-Based gameplay from the first 3 but in this game they push it forward and shape the field into a Hexagon (and thank them for not making it a square that would have been corny). While some fans may go berserk this is a welcomed feature to the Wild Arms series and plays very well and very unique to most Turn-Based games. While in the past your aiming for the enemy and the enemy alone but here your aiming for the the Hexagon itself, Simply speaking you can hit all the enemies that are inside a hexagon and likewise you can heal all your teammates in the same Hexagon. Now the Statuses have been refined and this time Poison only lasts through the whole battle instead of inside or outside of Battle which is good but it packs a BIG punch when its your turn so its deadlier as well. some skills require certain range and some allow you to move from hexagon to Hexagon(Take note that you can only move to one Hexagon per turn).
Along with the refined battle system we have the classic puzzles but this time its more like Platforming instead of puzzles. With the new Accelerator which slows time down (Apparently. Jude got this when he recieved the Arm but discovered it later on) and making falling Rocks,moving Platforms and collapsing bridge a piece of cake. and to all classic fans they still have the occasional Optional Boss fights and the silly once as well. and if you have good eyes they have Easter Eggs and cameos from the old Wild Arms heroes so watch out!
The Story this time around has a different twist and much more original then the older ones its not really all that different or unique. Its always connected to guns so you wont be too lost.
Bad things here arent so huge that they would keep you from playing but just minor things that could have been added.
What I would have enjoyed would be an item that increases your MP. Yes you heard right, its Force is no longer the Magic counter here they went back to MP where it adds and subtracts for every Spell you do but the Force is still in the game just not as important. This time around you get Force for Blocking,Dodging,Attacking etc (No more Carrots. How sad :P) but heck one of the Force Powers lets you have another turn and a total of 6-7 Turns if your force is full XD
So if your a fan of the Wild Arms series then this game should be in your Library this second. For those who arent well...Just try it. its worth it for the most part.