A good game with a nice anime to hit off.

User Rating: 8 | Wild Arms Alter Code: F PS2
I have to confess, I didn't play this game long enough since I still have tons of other unplayed games. Although I do have to say that it's actualy pretty good. I never played the PS1 version and not about to start either.

What's good about it? The graphics looks nice for a PS2 game. It does have nice character introductions before you actually progress through the game with your comrades. There's also some other playable characters too other than your main ones, but personally I haven't progressed far enough to do that.

So far, the gameplay is good. Some of the obstacles could be bypassed depending on each of you character's abilities, much like Breath of Fire. At least there's no fishing. God I hate fishing! You have the same affair as most JRPGs of random encounters. But at least you can avoid them for a limited set after collecting certain items. Other than that you can actually avoid weaker enemies for unlimited sets to save you time and effort.

The music is actually very good since the game is set in the Wild West of sorts. The environments are good too. The bonuses are alright. Nicely done.