a classic most likely the game, that later on sparked the idea for the Wii

User Rating: 8.5 | Wild Gunman NES
this game is an ultimate classic eventhough, It has no story at all. All you do is shoot at crooks and cowboys, and face cheesy bosses along the way. This game goes excellent with the light gun making it perfect for the good old NES. I wouldn't be surprise to hear that nintendo would remake this game for the Wii now instead of using a light gun you would use the zapper which is alot more dynamic than the light gun. The graphics in the game are passable not the best on the NES, but good enough to know what your fighting up against. The gameplay is very cool and addictive, you will get sucked into wild gunman for hours and if you have a friend to play along with you will be trapped in its web for about a year.