First of all, this game doesn't even compare to WoW on any level. WoW has much more polished gameplay experience with mountains of content and if you never played WoW I would recommend it over this. But if you are sick to death of WoW and there is nothing else that you can find time to do then I would recommend Wildstar. I don't play WoW anymore because I'm sick of it and it's community and it's anti-gamer properties that it fills it's content updates with, and now we have Wildstar to do the same thing.
This game doesn't bring anything new or exciting to the table. The gameplay is based around telegraphs so you have to annoyingly move around constantly. Eventually you will just be running around even when you don't need to. So you have a bunch of PvE and PvP people running around like headless chickens for no reason because they don't want to stand in telegraphs. Really annoying nonsense, you can't tell what is going on a lot of the time. While WoW has gameplay that makes sense, you can put as much into it as you want from stuns to kiting to just letting all your health go down and hope you win. But in Wildstar, you don't have anything that makes sense like that. It's just a spam your buttons and move around like a retard unless you are duelling someone in PvP, then you are mostly just running away from each other to avoid telegraphs. It's chaotic when WoW is a more controlled and sensible combat, if you know the classes in WoW you can plan for attacks and use a strategy. In Wildstar you just use whatever ability and it doesn't matter until someone runs out of health. Mostly you will see people running away.
Next, the questing is exactly like wow, run to and from quest givers. You can do that in WoW with tons more content and much more polished gameplay and you don't have to put up with any of the annoying bugs like Wildstar has at this point.
So what is it really that Wildstar does better than WoW? Nothing... the community is just as bad, everyone is a troll, everyone solos quest content, theres no real reward for grouping up, it's a solo festival race to max level because nobody cares about levelling anymore. It's designed to be an elitist community who thinks oneself is better than the other person. People say "This game isn't for newbs!" but actually it is... you can see what is going to happen before it happens. It's the easiest game I've ever seen... you can simply dodge and move out of anything. It's never been easier to play a game than Wildstar. This game requires no skill at all, in fact when you start out, you'd have to be a dead human being not to survive all the way to level 15 and then it's just a matter of not pulling more than you can handle.
They sure make it difficult though, because some places are packed in with tons of mobs for no reason, just mindlessly walking around with no sensible patrol pattern. Sometimes you need to wait for other people to come along so you can power through an area to get to some named mob. It's not hard, it's impossible without other people, and of course since it's such a chore to group up nobody does it and because there is no benefit to grouping nobody cares. Another thing that makes people hate grouping is that questing items are shared in the world, so if a stampede of people are playing through an area some people will just be sitting there waiting to do the quest because all the quest items have been used and mobs have been killed. So everyone hates each other for taking the mobs and items. If you make a game that's designed to be separated and solo, why are you making the items shared? It's actually called an MMO, people don't seem to care about that multiplayer part, what is this weird fascination with being a jerk to each other if people are in the same world? They have two factions for a reason, so you can fight with the other faction not yourselves. I blame the games design for not even considering group play.
Levelling is just filler, it's a grind that you have to go through to get to the max level. There is nothing fun about levelling, there's no real rewards for doing it. You just do it because you have to and no one likes it at all. When are they going to make a game designed for multiplayer?? This nonsense is getting old... and people keep paying 60$ for this crap.