Capstone really was on tek when they made this game!

User Rating: 3 | William Shatner's TekWar PC
TekWar was a pretty popular TV/book series. It had many fans and was overall very good. But throughout that, Capstone showed up and made a game out of it. And I'm sure you can guess the outcome of that.

The game plays very slow. Basically you wander around the city(s) looking for the Teklords. Then you kill them, and you continue on to another level in which you do the same thing. The Teklords are always hiding in some kind of hideout, and is protected by armed guards. This is pretty cool because the game has thriving cities with pedestrians and police officers patrolling the streets.

But, to do all this - kill the guards and Teklords - you're going to need some weapons. And Tekwar, surprisingly, does pretty well here. Instead of the standard pistol, shotgun, machine gun etc. you have more creative weapons such as flamethrowers, taser guns and more. But there's only one problem; the weapons are loud as hell. Well, not really, but they seem to attract every cop in the city and make the civilians run around screaming, no matter where you are. Sooner or later you'll have to make a one-man stand against every police force officer in the city, including the Teklord/Tekguards, and chances are you'll be face-down in the pavement sooner or later. Good potential... but bad execution.

There's also a 'matrix' world with lots of new enemies and stuff - very strange, but a pretty cool idea and it looks interesting overall.

The whole story is basically like the series, and that's good, but that's the only decent part of the story. The way the game actually presents it is horrible. You've got an opening intro which is an abomination; you can barely identify anything. The people barely even resemble human beings! Before a mission you get a briefing but it's not the least bit informative - all they tell you is that you've got to kill a Teklord and you've got to be careful. Once you're in the mission you have no clue what to do. Bleh.

The graphics are decent. The textures look nice for the most part, and the weapons look cool, but the enemies are rather messy. It looks like they tried to incorporate the detail of a real-life person - but it's so pixelated it does more bad than good. There's also lots of bugs with the graphics - sometimes the cops/tekguards display their shooting frames when they're walking forward, dieing frames when they're shooting etc. How on earth did that get into the final version? Level design is rather poor for the most part but occasionally there's some cool stuff.

The sound is just bad. Really bad. It's hard to hear most of the voices because it sounds so muffled. Weapon sounds are too quiet. Overall, meh.

As for replayability, well, there's really nothing to bring you back to the game. Not sure if this game is even possible to complete because it's so buggy. But overall you probably won't even complete the game the first time because it's so poor.

Even if you do replay it you'll know where the Teklords are, so it will be rather boring.

Altogether I think I can classify this as another failed attempt by Capstone. The bugs completely kill the gameplay and the sound makes your ears bleed. This could have been great. Avoid this one at all costs - It's just another grab at your money from Capstone.