It really is worth more...

User Rating: 7.9 | Winback PS2
This is one of the games in my collection that i haven't seen for a while until the other day when i decided to dig up old games and play them again. As for this one i still remember this being one of the first games i played on my PS2 which was almost 5 years ago needless to say i still remember how much fun i had with it especially in the multi player mode.

I remember when i first bought this game, i had no reviews to read up on so i didnt really have a clue as to what it was about except for the description on the back. To be honest i didnt really play this game in the beginning, if i played maybe a half an hour to start off with that was probably a lot but thinking back to about a year ago i finally finished it.

I was really surprised with the story, it had a lot of thought put into it and i can say i really enjoyed playing along. The graphics were exceptionally good, the sound added a fair amount of entertainment and overall value of the game in my opinion is definitely worth a look at if you are willing to take your gaming back a few years.

As for the multi player mode, i think this made the game. I had so many hours of fun with my friends playing against each other and when it comes to multi player games i think this one can be proud of what it has to offer.