Wing Commander III is a great game. Right off the bat it launches you into interactive combat. The game feels as smooth as any 20th century game and honestly I don't regret purchasing it.
"I've never felt so alive when playing a videogame." - Says GamerFreak C.E.O Bob Frank
The is realistic and has beautifully crafted cinematography which compels the player to go further into the adventure of the heart of the tiger.
Your companion Hobbes is all you could ask for in a character with great development and progression it really feels as if he is really there assisting you in your journey thorough the lion galaxy.
Rachel, your engineer is a great asset to your "crew" as she provides great insight into the world of the lion and you spaceship.
Honestly though the best part has to be the combat which is the best I've ever seen with great graphics and 3D modeling. The game takes no compassion in you and teaches the hard by killing you over and over until you learn the mechanics. This is actually a great thing since it makes you feel like a veteran on the first level. The controls might seem overwhelming at first but after you get the hang of it, it just feels right.
The best part is that in which should you dye your spaceship crew will hold a funeral for you and send off to space. Which is a really nice touch. The only down part of this feature is that you never learn of what happened to Hobbes since his body was apparently never found. Maybe he's in the casket with you due to budget cuts, who knows.
This open-world adventure has a lot to offer so I definitely recommend getting it.