Best Of The Best of the All Time Missed Gaming Legends
Its a shame and a big question mark, for all who have played this epic saga, that the gaming industry missed the need of gamers to live and play an interactive blockbuster, where all other game genres have failed, all these years.
Whereas Freespace came to ease the pain of Wing Commander Series coming to a halt, and its example found no brainiers to catch gamers interest, led to biggest lost opportunity of gaming revolution.
Intermingling combat with motive, guided by movie actors which the gamer seeks to identify with, and fight for them and with them, was the true success of Wing Commander, so big that noone dares to repeat it, cause its the ultimate challenge, too complex yet so simple to create again, even for the most sophisticated games to date, which fail to win the heart of gamers.
Makes me wonder, after all those years, how many can be so blind not to see that games like this one, are those that boosted the gaming industry to what it is today.