My favorite game of all time.
User Rating: 9.4 | Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom PC
I recall taking the bus home from school the day this game was released. I couldn't sit still. I looked around at the fellow bus riders and couldn't beleve everyone wasn't as excited as I was that Wing Commander IV was coming out. I got home, called up Egg Head Software and they had it in stock. My mom worked near them and she said she would pick it up. Unfortunately Mom wouldn't be home til around 11pm that night. Luckly my friend from the Marine Corps was in town and we decided to drive down to North Pier to play some BattleTech ( any of you Remember BattleTech!? Wow did I spend a lot of money on that, Thor V6 all the way). Anyway, when I got home, there the box laid on my bed. I quickly installed it and we both were shocked at how amazing the opening cinematic was. It was about 10 minutes long and completely got me excited to play again. Here was Blair, washed up, and Maniac of all people was bringing you back. The fact that you got to "play the intro" with a simple dog fight, and to get to see the Border World Fighters in action was awesome. It's been so long since I played this game, but I recall replaying this game for months at a time. I actually beat the game in about three sittings because I couldn't stop playing. I chose every option during the final court room scene with Tolwyn. I found this game on Ebay a year or so ago and coulnd't play it because of the new Windows format. This game holds a special place in my heart. It inspired me in ways I never would have imagined. This is getting corny so I'll cut it short, but this game was my friend for months. It didn't make fun of me for liking video games, it didn't tease me because I didn't have a girlfriend. All these wonderful things that a video game can do for a shy kid growning up with practically no friends. (all my friends moved or were in the military). So when I think of me being 15, this game comes to mind. I wish they would still continue making these sorts of games, but I guess the new craze is FPS and RTS. I love those forms of games too, but no game has ever affected me as much as this one. Thank you Origin and thank you Chris Roberts. Oh and Chris don't ever make another movie again, stick to interactive story telling :)