I wish that someone would remake this

User Rating: 10 | Wing Commander: Privateer (3.5" Disk) PC
I never got into the Wing Commander series that much because I saw it as really just another flight combat simulator in a sea of flight combat simulator games at that time. For me, the excellent Star Wars TIE Fighter game held the crown for best game in that genre at the time.

Although Privateer used the tested gameplay from the Wing Commander series, it blended it perfectly with the earlier space flight sim and trading game, Elite. The result was a thoroughly engrossing game that combine great flight combat with an intriuging story line set in a universe that the player could explore at their own pace. The player could also follow the path of smuggler on the run from the local cops, a mercenary for hire against criminals or the Kilrathi, a legitimate space trader or a combination of all three. As you gradually improve your wealth in the the game, your ship becames more and more powerful through upgrades, allowing you to take on more challenging missions.

Privateer was my high watermark in computer gaming. Freelancer attempted to recapture some of Privateer's charm but the freedom to explore the galaxy in your own way was lost to a narrower and less interesting plot line, and the trips between missions also became tedious.

I'm hoping that space flight sims will regain popularity and Privateer will get a 21st century makeover. The only thing that would really need to change is the graphics and perhaps an expanded galaxy. The rest of the Privateer system, however, was perfect.