A space simulation with great, almost epic story and amazing graphics.
GAME PLAY: One of the reasons is in the story - it is one of the most realistic war stories ever that reminds you, how can just a small army of highly skilled, motivated and courageous pilots and marines defeat an enemy, that has better technology and is in far greater numbers.
You play as Lt. Lance Casey, a son of legendary war hero, Iceman, who has been assigned to a new mega carrier, the Midway. An interesting new feature are the real movies - yes, they are not computer produced. The whole game is actually one big story, where you can also watch peoples various emotions, feelings, their morale and also big events - all of these in both those movies and the actual game.
Another reason is in the communication with your comrades and even your enemy. Your comrades will give you for example a compliment of good shot - some of them will be impressed, some of them wil just say: >> Not bad, for a plebe. > You can not stop me, fail creature! > I salute you, my slayer! human > robotic