The game that made me buy a Monster 3d card.

User Rating: 8.6 | Wing Commander: Prophecy PC
It's been a very long time since I played this game and I felt a trip down nostalgy lane was worthwhile. Since my machine coulnd't handle this in '97, it took (of all things) StarCraft to make me buy a new computer and thus be able to play this fantastic game. However, the reason I made sure my new pc came with a 3d accelerator was I saw how it looked on a friends computer without 3d. It looked good. A proper step above Wing Commander IV. But when I saw this game with 3d acceleration, holy cow!. Missles now glided through the air leaving trails behind them that were beautiful. The image of a impact was even more beautiful. The game engine was beautiful, but unfortunately the game just didn't have the same depth that the previous wing commanders had. I'm still utterly upset that they discontinued the Wing Commander series. I fell in love with these games when I was 10 years old and loved every single one of em. So to the Wing Commander series, R.I.P, it was fun while it lasted.