If your a fan of winter sports games. you may wanna check out Winter challenge. as it is better then Torino.
You can check out single event, carerr or Winter challenge (where its the mission to get most medals to your team. Theres also a tutorial that is very helpful.
i think Alpine Skiing was the worst of the the disiplines. first off you can pick your weather how the winds gonna be and what racer you gonna pick. You can pick Slalom, Giant Slalom, Super G and downhill. In the slalom i found that it was very unbalanced its almost impossible to get down through the course. and if you make it, well then your gonna be a lot behind the others. in my view slalom falls flat. it just ends up being too hard. And then we have the Giant slalom i think the slalom was slitghly better, but still its not anything special. And then we have the good part which is Super G here it is speed and a lot of difficult flags you gotta get through but it isnt to difficult like in the Slalom or Giant slalom. Downhill must be the major best one ive gotta say. its amazing speed and you actually have a chance too win the thing. whats the good thing also is that is the back in time system which is great if you do not make it inside the two flags and fall or something just press B and then you go 5 seconds back in time and you can try to make it again. The ghost is also a really good thing if you see you cant beat your last performane. A real downside got too be that you cant see how you do it against the other competitors before your going too goal.
And then we have the Ski jumping. Here its the mission too jump longest. and the good thing is that the maps have a great varety. the wind tells if you gonna do a bad jump or not also. when you go down you will see a thing and when it fills too the white stuff you need too press SPACE. This is important for making a good jump.
And then its the Bobsleigh. this is really cool but sometimes at the start there is a bug that somehow changes the camera direction. so then you have to quit and restart this is very irritating. the bobsleighs funtion very well its easy too steer sometimes atleast. if that bug would be fixed i would have gaved it more. Here you can also use the back in time system (like if you hit a wall and the race is as good as over just press B like in Alpine Skiing)
The fourth disiplice is cross country. here you can pick how long the couse can be for there are sprint, 10 km, 15km, 30 km among others. there are two things to pick like classic or free style. i felt the classic part was lacking a little it seems its very hard to win. the free style is very good. there are some problems like people just passing you sometimes by going right through you this is very irritating. sometimes its also very boring because out of nowwhere you are turning another direction. but overall its impressive.
The fifth is the ski shooting. This is basically just the same as the other except you have to shoot some black stuff every now and then. its also very important too keep you pulse low. because if you have high pulse you cant hit a broadside of a barn. here its some problems also like in the shooting arena you dont look thorugh your scope to shoot. all that comes up is a board that comes up at the left of your screen. and you need too shot at the black stuff there. and there is also some pulse lower problems because you have too have low pulse. but sometimes the filling thing doesnt come up. and this bug can destroy your whole race. but its very fun even with all its bugs. whats cool is that the enemy can also miss which is great.
And then we have the Nordic combined in the end. this is the most impressive one you got too ski jump first. and if you do it bad in the ski jump you will also start very bad out. if you jump and you bearly doesnt fall you must start at the very last place. and you must probably wait for a couple of minutes. Its very good in gamplay factor.
And then we have the carerr mode which is very unimpressive. first you start and you pick your own competitor and then your off. (you need to play the carerr mode to access the rest of the maps). the first mode amateur is good. but when you go of too the pro mode or internatioal mode. its actually unbeliveble hard. except to get last place in almost every couse. because you dont gain skill points fast enough. if you want the rest of the maps play through it but remember when you have done the Amateur well then its not gonna be fun with the last. Winter challenge is fairly good but nothing intersting try too get as much medals as possible for your team.
And then we have the Multiplayer. Sadly there arent any servers up so there no need to bother. so your forced to play on lan but you probably have friends that plays something else (battlefield 2, counter strike). you can play hot seat which is basically the same as single event the only differnce is that you can pick to play with eight people. but its uninteresting so dont even bother.
The graphics in this game are very up and down. if you look at the background its looks absoultely awful. cmon its looks like the game is from the 80s if you look at the background. but inside the course it looks Solid. the Fog is beatiful and it looks great. the crowd also looks like 80s. they are formed like paper and all the do is jump up and down. what is funny that is where the graphics looks at its best its the guards! yes the guards looks amazing. good detail. and amazing face animation. The face anamation of the competiotors look medicore and they all look basically almost the same. maybe some are a little blacker or whiter. if felt in the end the graphics very worthy of 6/10. They could have worked on it.
The sound is very up and down like the graphcis. you can hear the wind and it sounds beatiful. you can hear you heart pump which sounds great. you can hear the sound of your skiis. but whats the problem is the voices when the guy you pick fall it doesnt matter its always the same sound you hear. just like the paper crowd no matter how where you go you still hear the same fricckin sound. one guy can have the same voice as 100 guys. just stupid.
Well what you get here is alot for your money. you get plenty of events. with great varety of maps and everything. there are so many stuff to pick out in the events and its great. what drags the value down is the lack of Mutiplayer and the carerr. if these two where fixed im sure i would give it more value and you would probably too. you dont get the best graphcis and sound which is not good but the gameplay really get the value up.
In the end i rec the game to people who likes Winter games. people who dont give a damn about graphics and sound. if you dont like winter games stay away. Torino was a dissapointment (tried it for 24 hours). but this one is what Torino should have been. if you dont what winter game you should pick this game i advice you too buy this one its the Best Winter Game On The Market.
Cya all.