Now what happened here? The truth is, this game COULD have been an absoloute masterpiece of it's time. Unfortunately it's developers decided it would never make it big, and didnt put the ammount of time into it that they should have. From the greyscale menus to the ugly looking title screens, to the grey textureless tracks, this game looks like trash. It really does. However, start playing it, and you start to forget the trashiness and notice the masterfully designed gameplay. Sure, perhaps it might have been a knock-off of Mario Kart, but hey, its fun! The whole game was short, sweet, and to the point. There were only a few game modes: Single Race, Tournament, Challenge, and Eliminator. The system of unlocking new ships and new tracks was a relatively new and fresh idea at the time. there were 8 tracks and 8 ships in the game. You started the game with 4 tracks and 4 ships unlocked, but, as you progressed through the single race mode, you could unlock the other 4 ships and the other 4 tracks. But then came the idea of there being 3 different classes. Each class shared the same ships and tracks, but it was a matter of having less shielding and boost, moving faster, and less manuverability. In a sense these 3 classes represented difficulty. When you got all golds in Single Race mode in a class, you would unlock the special prototype track. If you completed all 3 classes (Vector, Venom, Rapier), you would unlock the 4th difficulty: Phantom class. At this point the game may have gotten TOO hard. I'll be honest. Phantom Class was NUTS. Then came the other modes. Tournament was not very original. All racing games have them. Challenge mode all involved time trials, eliminating a certain ammount of players, as well as other things. Then there was Eliminator. What fun this was. endless laps around the track, all for the purpose of eliminating enemies with your weapons. The winner was the one who got the the kill quota first. And you could change that quota from 5 to 99, though 99 could take an hour. To conclude, the developers seriously let this one down. It could have been so much better than it was, but for some reason they left it looking like it wasnt even done yet.
Wipeout3 features great gameplay, nice physics, impressive techno soundtrack and overwhelming graphical effects. Wipeout3 doesn't give you that chaotic feeling the previous two gave. It's a challenging game, with some... Read Full Review
This is an amazingly fun-filled, adrenaline rush inducing game! Its futuristic pod racing, at its finest! The gameplay is excellent, and all the physics of a real life pod racer can actually be felt when trying to man... Read Full Review