New season in F9000 is about to begin !
Then I loaded Fusion first time,I'd lost speech gift . Excellent animated graphics , lots of unbelieveable cosmic tracks scattered upon whole universe , killing superfast aircrafts capable to expand the speed over the 1000-1500 km/h [! ] , nonpareil soundtrack including music of best world DJs ( Timo Maas , Plump DJs , FSOL , Elite Force and more ) , lots of secrets and game modes concented to insist that WipEout Fusion - bestest racing game generally !!! It's really drive crazy and it's perfect ! Really , Fusion have not limitations ! Gameplay is perfect , and I recommend WipEout Fusion to all who wants furious adrenaline injection in blood and mind ! It's really gripping and exciting game , one of best that I have ever played ! But only one fact really obscure - why Fusion didn't get into PS2 Platinum Series ?! WHY ?! It's annoying deed . However , WipEout Fusion really costs to buy it , on 100% !!! Great respect and thanks to guys from Studios Liverpool !!!
P.S. My own top speed record - 11203 km/h ( Feisar IS-5097 , Daniel Johnson , Florion Height course 3 , super fastship cheat )
Goodbye for next meets , my friends !
With respect to all gamers , Sinmaru