The best DLC in existence. If you own Wipeout HD, then you MUST get this. If you don't own Wipeout HD, buy the bundle!

User Rating: 10 | WipEout HD Fury PS3
I knew that Wipeout was released on the PSP before - i played that game and was not so much impressed with it. It looked like a racing game, and nothing much more to it.

But a friend suggested that i should check this out, so i bought it and i was indeed VERY pleasantly surprised when i launched the game and got into the main menu. It looked very high-tech, in fact the whole game, has a very sophisticated look and feel to it. This is the closest you could ever get to feeling speed combined perfectly with awe and a thrilling sensation of "diving into the game" every time that your racing pod goes down a steep downhill.

Get Wipeout HD and definitely buy the HD Fury expansion pack. I play only the HD Fury (you must have Wipeout HD full game first before you can play the HD Fury expansion) and it amazes me each and every time! This game runs at an amazingly smooth 60 frames per second, and it delivers an incredible sensation, especially if you have an HDTV (the bigger the better, or just get closer to the screen to flood your eyes with all the awesomeness this game has to offer).

This is a must have for all PS3 owners. It is a true testament to what games should look like. Oh, and this games runs at all times in a resolution of 1080p, if your HDTV supports it, so you know you're getting the best resolution of this gaming generation.

Wipeout HD is so addictive, and i wouldn't be surprised if they're already working on the next DLC, which i'm totally buying by the way.