People who love great visuals and crazy, frantic gameplay this is perfect and a barain to boot.

User Rating: 9.5 | Wipeout HD PS3
Wipeout HD has some of the most amazing visuals you will see on a Playstation 3 system. It runs at 60 frames per second and a maximum screen reolution of 1080p. The most mind numbing of all the visuals though is the game mode Zone, the crazy colours and the music interpritation into the track is amazing and it's only MB shy of a Gigabyte.

Secondly, it's a bagain at only £12 GBP $20 US dollars and worth a lot more than it's priced.

The fact that all the tracks are from the PSP version Pure and Pulse is not that big an issue but it woould have been better if they made a new one but hey........

The game also supports splitscreen offline and has quite a lot unlockables such as new ship skins and also new HUD unlocks from old WipEout games. Also, the online is fantastic and is not at all laggy and I have not experienced and frame rate dropps or glitches.

The music and the colours are also very good and the shadowing is great aspecially when playing on the phantom speed class and there is also an additional photo mode that saves screenshots to the PS3's HDD which has special effects.

Unfortunaly, there are not many tracks, there are only 8 (which are reversible) but they don't count reeeeeeaaaaalllly. But i'm sure that in the futire there will be expansion packs for itand for new ships too.

The difficulty can also be a pain in the ass, but once you get good, it's not too bad and theis game also supports SIXAXXIS wireless ship steering controll whivh reall is hard.

Overall, WipEout HD is an amazing game, a bargain and a total must buy.