It's a good game but there are some factors that lead this game into a letdown.

User Rating: 7.5 | Wipeout Pulse PSP
Wipeout Pulse is a good game, it's just that the campaign has no story to it which really disappoints me because most games have stories to them which really interests me to know more about it. The fact that it had no story made me less interested in the campaign mode. And really the campaign mode wasn't really that good, it was just pre-made grids to go on. You can make your own grid as the same as that one so I think that the campaign mode was sort of messed up. Although there were a lot of features to the game, I liked how it had game sharing and custom music which appealed to me. You are also able to make your own custom made ship in what designs you made on the computer and then some download it onto your game. It's fun how they had an online multiplayer to but... there were hardly any people online which sickened me , stating the fact that no much are interested to go online to play. Not a competitive online game.

After several hours of playing you may get bored of the racing. Although you can download more tracks on their official site. But then again there isn't much maps overall which doesn't satisfy me.

I'll give this game a 7.5./10 for the lack of competitive online matches and lack of little amount of tracks which brought the score down.