Addicted, but now a bit disappointed...

User Rating: 8.5 | Wipeout Pulse PSP
I have only been a WipEout addict since Pure came out for the PSP. Ever since I have been barely able to put it down. When WipEout Pulse was released I was really impressed with what they had done. I love the new "Grid" format for progressing through the game. Although I have now come to a point where I can't seem to progress. Just needs more practice I guess. Infrastructure mode and the craft-editing tool are both great. Although I haven't really been that adventurous with the editor (just covering with one colour - think I have a bright pink EG-X at the moment). An offline editor would be perfect and then just upload when log back on.

I originally gave this game a score of 9.5. However, today, it has managed to lose a point. The reason being is that Sony have decided on this occasion to charge for the expansion packs. £3.49 per pack which consists of two tracks and another craft. Whilst this doesn't sound alot, it will end up making WipEout Pulse the most expensive game on the PSP format. It is a bit annoying when the packs for Pure were all free and you got tracks, craft and music. Oh well. No doubt, regardless of the price tag, I will still download them. After all, WipEout is a thoroughly addictive game!