the reason I love the wipeout series because cool soudtrack, great speed and beatiful graphics, but these wipeoud has

User Rating: 6.5 | Wipeout Pulse PSP
the tracks of wipeout pulse are narrow and plain, most are simple desing just flat roud tracks, all tracks both way foward and reverse. this game is very easy . onlyl think I like the game has lot tracks The soudtracks is not very good , but the good news you add you own soudtrack, I added soudtrack from wipeout xl and wipeout 3

the online mode is bad becease it doest have lot people playing, most people will quit during the race, most people will racen venom is the slowest race class, I like to race rapier class
the best wipeoutI ever played is wipeout pure It has lots tracks,they are beasitful and fun. If I was you save my money for wipeout pure and wipeout hd
This game need more fun tracks and beatiful tracks the wipeout series, I whish more people this game in online mode and the soudtrack I whish added better dj like chemical brother , fluke, underworld those are best dj