A great (portable) sequal

User Rating: 9 | Wipeout Pulse PSP
Well, lets get right into it! This is the kind of game that gets major love from its amazingly large fanbase, and from newcomers as well. To give you an idea of what it is, just imagine really fast cars that race against eachother and they hover. Did I mention they have power-ups that can make a race 50/50. The new features that this game brings is a gravity-strip. This allows for really tripy curves and loops that will have you amazed. Graphics are also some of the best I've seen on the PSP so far. It also brings multi-player, and trust me, the multi-player is fun and awesome. I have seen people casually dis this game, and it makes me upset. So far the only complaint has been difficulty, but keep in mind that the difficulty can be changed at the start of each race, and that my friend, is a great feature. This game is a definite buy, and if you can't, just rent it. You will have loads of fun with it, and be amazed by: Online, Graphics, Gamplay, Overall Coolness. Signing out, this is g4merkid