This might be the best racer out there so far to hit the PSP!

User Rating: 9.2 | Wipeout Pure PSP
At first I didn’t really know what to think about this new WipEout. It looked all good and when finally the first reviews arrived it was already clear for me: this game was the first I was going to purchase when I buy my PSP! Since WipEout Pure was my first PSP title I was very curious about the graphics and the capabilities of the PSP. Well, the opening CGI blew me away as well as the rest of the game! The only problem at first was the difficulty of the game. It’s a bit hard when you first play it, but that only made me want to play ever more! After you advance a few classes the races become really hard and you won’t be able to win so easily. You have to really know the tracks to know when to steer/brake. But if you finally can dream each track, it becomes one of the fastest racers you know and really fun to play! The graphics really look fantastic! It maybe because I’m just stunned by capabilities of the PSP, but even for a PS2-game the graphics really look awesome! The sound in the game is at somewhat the same level, really great. The SFX sound realistic and the music sucks you right in the game and makes you forget where you are at the moment! I really like the soundtrack, especially the drum ‘n bass tracks. All together, graphics and sound score a big plus! One of the cool features of WipEout Pure is the possibility to download new content. The game itself contains 12 tracks, 8 new and 4 classic, but there already are 5 extra tracks you can download from the official WipEout Pure website! In the future it will be possible to download new music too! WipEout Pure was my first PSP-title and really gave me a good idea of what the PSP is capable of. It looks, sounds and plays great! I can really recommend this game to anyone who likes good racers, but also if you just want to show off your PSP to your friends, this one will do just fine!