Wipeout Pure IS the best in the series if not best futuristic game EVER.

User Rating: 9.1 | Wipeout Pure PSP
The very first time i played Wipeout was on my Sega Saturn back in 1996 since then iv'e been hooked on Wipeout and Wipeout Pure IS the best futuristic racing game to date.
The first thing you will notice is the graphics they are simply amazing for the PSP no game iv'e seen on it has even gotten close to this level of detail, the ships are also based on older Wipeout games, but the bad news is the game does slow down at points but overal the framerate is smooth.
The sound is also crisp and clear and also has a few of the artists from the previous games supplying music most of which fits in with the futuristic feel of the game.
The basic Wipeout gameplay has changed from previous games with no pitlanes to recharge energy ,by using weaponry you can convert it to energy to your ship so it throws in a few choices for you but apart from that its still the same as previous Wipeout games.
Weaponry has always played an important place in Wipeout and most of the weaponry from the previous games have returned tuned up and nicer looking.
Although Wipeout does have a few flaws such as unfair AI which overtake you at the start always forcing you to fight up positions, the lack of tracks of which there are 12 and 4 Zone tracks can feel small but there is always enough going on to keep you busy with downloadable content which includes nearly everything to extend gameplay.
The one biggest change is the Zone mode which simply gets faster the longer you go although that sounds easy it isn't.

Overal Wipeout Pure is the best futuristic racing game avalible on the PSP and well worth the price tag on it.