Superb graphics, simply amazing.
Since the launch of the PSP this game has wowed gamers with it's awesome graphics. Everything from the textures to the lighting to the details of the very tracks are just jaw-dropping. I swear I started drooling when I first began to play this game. It is that amazing. Even now the game has only been topped by perhaps Syphon FIlter, a year after the launch of the PSP.
The sound and music track is damn great. Great bass, great treble, just simply high quality. The music suits the futuristic presentation perfectly.
From the menus to the multiple modes of play and downloadable content this is (still) the racing game to beat on the Playstation Portable. I bought the PSP just for this game. Of course I have bought several other games but none yet surpass this game.
Even for those of you who are not interested at all at racing games should still at least consider this game. I despise racing games yet I am in love with Wipeout Pure. Simple gameplay prevent anybody from screwing up anything, and the several downloadable patches and maps available already extend its replayability. More ships, tracks, music, and almost no lag except during the hairiest of situations make this game simply amazing.
The only thing i wish this game had was an online multiplayer mode. This is strangely absent. Games like Socom, Twisted Metal: Head on, and Syphon Filter have done it, why can't this one? If it weren't for that this game would pretty much be perfect. However this is one great game that nobody should miss out on. I have yet to see a better racing game available for the Playstation Portable. Up yours Burnout!!!