i found this to be an quite entertaining game with lots of nice puzzles
this game to be a great thrill of a ride,,
plusses++ interesting and excting/great --story--,,,it had great visual style,,lots of explosive effects,,lots of blasts(and good looking),,nice use of colors and animations,,nice textures,,great puzzles,,great teamwork,,skill bases,,great voices and sounds,,great commando work,,lots of lock-pickin,,that worked;),,the commando stuff and stealth where exciting,,the whole game was exciting to be honest;),,great pallete drawing of this game,,graphics where great,,sound was stunningly good;),,many voices i nte game and voice of soldiers,,was exciting;),,cutscenes where nice,,very exciting stuff;),,it had many effects and tones this game;),,nice use of arensal selection of weapons,,and u can clearly see the smoke,,nice graphics;),,u can hear bullets drop etc;)
minuses-- sometimes awkward and clumsy(controls;p) gameplay,,but failry regular,,sometimes awkward moments with the camera,,sometimes game could stutter,,or lag,health pack where a bit scarse,,but okay,,makes it kinda,,hard yes,,
back in the shooter era,,this i would concider and an unique game,,or should i say ps2,,.era;),,i was happy picking this game up from the bargain bin pile;),,glad i did;)
happy,,and clap clap,,and your a skunk;) ,,
kidding amigo,,hf;))