Why do developers make games like Without Warning?!

User Rating: 2.4 | Without Warning PS2
When I heard about this gme, I said out loud, "What were they thinking?" There's a boring premise, and almost everyting is copied from other games. Worst of all, there was absolutely no advertising, not like other crap games like Driv3r or Rogue Agent. Anyway, the aiming in this game is absolutely horrendous, and the characters are all slow. There is also a lock-on problem and collision-detection problems. This is made worse by a bad frame rate. The gameplay is repetitive and VERY boring, and even though the AI is incredibly stupid, you won't be able to hit them cause of the sucky controls and screwed-up aiming. The character models are good, but most of the levels look the same, there are like two types of enemies, and there's a bad framerate. There are way too many cut-scenes for a simplitistic bad that's ony around 5 hours long. There is no reason to play through it again because there are no unlockables and there is no multiplayer. The sound effects are coo, at first, but then later get annoying. The music just plain sucks. Overall, this is the worst PS2 game of the year and there is absolutely no reason to purchase it; there are hundreds of better action games/shooters out there.