Reminds me of my favorite Genesis game!

User Rating: 9.7 | Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land PS2
I love this game. I've played Wizardry games for the PC, and really don't care about them-- fun, but not amazing. I picked up Wizardry: The Forsaken Land because it was used, cheap, and I was curious. As soon as I got home and put it in my PS2, I got very excited.

I love this game so much simply because it reminds me so strongly of Shining in the Darkness, which was my all time very favorite Sega Genesis game. It feels to me like Wizardry: TFL took Shining in the Darkness and built upon the concept, making it instantly awesome in my book. ^_^

More things I love about this game are the drawn character designs, the characters thenselves (simple though they may be), town navigation (so much like Shining in the Darkness!), the dungeon in general, the characters themselves, and the story. The combat is simplistically turn based, and the exploration of dungeons endlessly fun. It's a great game to relax with. Nothing frustrating, nothing frantic.

The biggest major drawback is that it can get kinda old and boring if you play it for too long and too many days in a row. However, if you leave the game for a while and come back to it, it's difficult to remember the lay of the dungeons/shortcuts and if you're higher level, fighting through the weak enemies to get back to where you were is annoying.

I love this game, but admittedly I am biased. ^_^ Shining in the Darkness and Wizardry: The Forsaken Land are great games!