A repetitive and generic Diablo clone. Does the Diablo thing as good as Diablo for the most part. The story is the usual convoluted nonsensical (I was already totally lost during the first Act) high-fantasy stuff typical of the genre. Crazy amount of spells and abilities, that are satisfying to use and will suit just about any playstyle/char build. While the game seems incredibly easy most of the time, the Acts end in insanely unbalanced and crazy difficult boss fights that the game does nothing to prepare you for.
Numerous bugs (disappearing loot, characters gllitching) especially after Act I, but the game itself is stable. All keys can be rebound which is always welcome. Graphics are fine, although the action can get so intense at times it's hard to see what is going on. Dialogue is fully professionally voice acted. In a nutshell, the game both looks and sounds good.
Wolcen is not really my cup of tea (hence the low rating), but I can see a lot of Diablo/Pillars of Eternity/Torchlight fans being really into it. Personally, I was totally bored of it after 10 hours or so.