This game is quite fun ecspecially with the 3 player co-op
The gameplay in my opinion is pretty much like the more popular game assault heros except this game has some pretty cartoony characters and there is 3 player co-op. You have a certain amount of lives so you have to be careful when playing. The boss battle are all the same thing, giant tank, except they get harder each time. They also have the metal slug style POW's and a ton of secret areas which is cool.
But yes, this game is difficult, its an arcade, like you know, ones that were made for bored teenagers to waste away quaters except in this game, you lose all your lives, you have to restart the game from the beggining unless you already beat it.
The graphics and sounds a pretty good......for an xbox live aracade [or psn] game. Nothing impressive here either but they're not bad.
Overall, this is a good game you and your friends could play for a week or two.
Hope this review helps! If you have any questions please contact me on Gamespot or message me on xbox live. My gamertag is shweet117