Although it remains the same as the original, that's the way all hardcore Wolfenstein fans like it!
So i'm going to review this game to give people an idea of how good it really is.
Story:The first 3 episodes revolve around B.J Blazkowicz attempting to escape from Castle Wolfenstein. He was captured while trying to investigate and find out if Operation Eisenfaust is real. You are forced to go through mazes and solves puzzles to find your way out. The second half is a prequel sort of thing. It's hard to explain, you'd have to play it yourself.
Gameplay: As I said in the intro, this game is one of the first FPS, if not the first. However, it does not play like a modern FPS for Xbox 360 or PS3. First of all, your weapon is in the center(or your knife is on the right), and it is pixelated. While it does act mostly as a FPS, it can be considered a puzzle game, due to the fact you are going through mazes, looking through secret doors, keys, and collecting treasure and weapons. You also fight bosses, some of which are easy, and some are very diffcult because the boss itself isn't very hard. But the number of enemies guarding them is the insane part, especially on the I Am Death Incarnate difficulty setting. the big mazes can give you a headache, or hurt your eyes after a while.
Controls: Now remember, this is the PS3 port, not the original PC version. Now, while most of the controls are mapped as one would think they should be. But I felt they could've added some keyboard and mouse support like they did with messaging and the web browser, so it would feel like the good old days. Also, you can't really customize the controls to your liking. However, you can change the analog stick sensetivity, but it's already good enough. One major flaw though, would be that in order to sprint, you have to hold down the L2 button. As many ps3 owners know, holding the L2 button for a long time can be very uncomfortable. Besides some problems, the controls are pretty solid.
Audio: Although some of the tracks are very catchy, and fit the level's mood, they end up a little short. So it keeps on looping, which can be another major annoyance. There are also sound effects/voiceclips, both nof which sound a little sloppy, and the gunshots and alarm yells can become very repetitive.
Gameplay: 9.5
Controls: 8.5
Audio: 8.0
Overall: 8.7