The benchmark of FPS's
User Rating: 9 | Wolfenstein 3D PC
Wolfenstein 3-D started it all. It was the first real first person shooter that had story, graphics, sound, and fun factor. It stands out as just plain fun, even to play these days, even with the sophisticated graphical frill we've seen from next gen consoles. What makes Wolfenstein 3-D fun? Just the innovation. It was the inspiration for hundreds, thousands of first person shooters that have hit the market since its release. The graphics were very sophisticated, because they used texture mapping. Texture mapping gave surfaces realistic texture, which made the game stand out much more graphic wise. The story was simple, stop a chemical warfare. In the game you can choose 6 episodes. Each episode had 10 levels, 9 actually, but with a secret level the player could access through a secret passage. Through each level, the player would encounter several guard types trying to kill him. These ranged from SS officers to dogs, to mutants. At the 9th level in each episode, the player would encounter a boss character who they would have to defeat to advance to the next episode. There are 4 weapons in the game. Knife, pistol, an mp-40 type rifle, and chain gun or gatling gun. Wolfenstein is the game that started it all. The influential first person shooter that has inspired and will continue to inspire games for generations to come.