They took one of the most celebrated PC games of all time...and made it pocket sized!
The game is a direct port of the PC version, is that a problem, not. at. all!
Classic gaming buffs like me will be in heaven, they fit all sixty levels of the original onto a teeny tiny GBA cartridge, but how? Well it wasn't without a few sacrifices...
Music, there is none in this port, but I believe it's so they could keep everything else, the second is the sound effects themselves, they are bit muffled as the volume of this game is kinda low.
Limited saving ability, you can no longer save where ever you like, you have to make it to the end of the map to save.
But those are the only bad points, and they aren't all that bad! So yay!
Graphically it has all the rich colors of the original, it even chugs along a decent frame rate, all of the characters are here too, and of course the weapons! they did seem to do something about that annoying RED effect that happens when you get blind sided by enemy fire.
the layout of the GBA is perfect for this game, shoulder buttons strafe, A opens doors, B shoots, select+ either shoulder button changes weapons.
Oh and did I mention the SIXTY levels? I'm sure I did, well it's 54 if you don't find the secret stages, but they ARE in there!
If you are one of these kids who grew up in the PSX era, or have no taste for the classics, then you're probably gonna stick your nose up at this offering.
This is a terrific example of a good portable title!
Why people dump on this game is beyond me!